Motivation on PUNCTUALITY - a social virtue.

Its meaning:
        Some people do everything on time. We call them punctual. Punctuality is the habit of doing things at a fixed time.

Usefulness in personal life:
         Man has to do a lot of things in his life. Unless he does his work in time, he will never be able to complete them. Time once lost is lost forever. To succeed in life, one must do one's work as planned. Punctuality, therefore, is the key to success, A student who fails to learn his lesson at the appropriate time cannot keep up with those who are punctual in studies. The failure of a soldier to act at the right moment may be the cause of his country's defeat. It is said that Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo because one of his Marshals was a little late in
coming to his chief.

In social life: 
           Punctuality is also a social virtue. In society, people have to come into contact with one another for various reasons. It is often seen that when a member of the society is unpunctual, others are put to inconvenience. Those who come to attend a function punctually may have to lose much of their time if it is not started in time. Much valuable time of the students of a class is wasted when the teacher is not present in the class at the right moment. Such instances are quite common in our country. We are yet to learn the value of punctuality. The late running of trains and buses is almost a regular feature in our transport system. Things can be improved considerably if all of us become alive to the idea of punctuality.

Punctuality in nature:
          A look at the world of nature will show that punctuality is law of nature. The rising and the setting of the sun, the changes of seasons, the daily activities of the birds and animals all show that nature follows strict punctuality.
punctuality , success


          A look at the world of nature will show that punctuality is a law of nature. The rising and the setting of the sun, the changes of seasons, the daily activities of the birds and animals - all show that nature follows strict punctuality.
            We should try to cultivate the habit of punctuality. It will bring improvement not only in our personal lives but also in society as a whole.